Living Conditions
Access to banking
Nearly everyone in India now has a bank account. However, some gender gaps remain, and not everyone with an account uses it

Living Conditions
Nearly everyone in India now has a bank account. However, some gender gaps remain, and not everyone with an account uses it
Living Conditions
Most Indians can send messages, but far fewer have the information and communications technology (ICT) skills needed to do calculations, make presentations or write code. There are large gaps between rural and urban Indians, and between men and women.
Living Conditions
India has made major strides in improving sanitation, but one in four rural households still does not have access to toilets
Living Conditions
Two-wheeler ownership has become more widespread in India, but car ownership is relatively low and concentrated among some groups
Living Conditions
Access to electricity in India is now nearly universal - in 2000, only 60% of the population had access to electricity. By 2021, this figure had risen to 99.6%.
Living Conditions
Consumption expenditure, an important indicator of living standards, has risen steadily, and the share of spending on food has declined sharply
Living Conditions
Enrolment in higher education has grown relatively slowly in India, and large regional and gender gaps persist
Living Conditions
Over time, the share of the population that is illiterate has declined sharply. But few Indians go on to get a higher education.
Living Conditions
India is nearing universal literacy, and historic gaps between socio-economic groups are narrowing
Living Conditions
Independent India has brought almost every Indian child into school. But there's still a long way to go with higher education
Living Conditions
Most Indians now have access to clean drinking water, but progress on tap water has been slower.
Living Conditions
The last two decades have seen a massive increase in the number of mobile phone connections in India. But not everyone uses phones and the internet in the same way.